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  • Writer's pictureSophie Dixon


Updated: Jun 14, 2022

The sweetness and delights of the resting-place are in proportion to the pain endured on the Journey.

Only when you suffer the pangs and tribulations of exile will you truly enjoy your homecoming.


We all have a kaleidoscope within us, this is how our souls learn, in essence it’s what we are incarnated to do, to experience it all, on this broad spectrum of vibration and light that we call life.

Everything we have been through and are going through right now is bringing us to our highest awareness of our self and we will continue this learning until the day we take our last breath, ready for more learning on our next adventure.

What I love so much about receiving healing on myself and helping others on their healing journey is the realisation that we have everything we need, all the answers, already within us.

When we are blocked or feel our life is not necessarily moving in the way we want it to, we are taught to either ignore it, push it away, distract ourselves or feel in to the negative through guilt, frustration, blame, resentment or anger and then these feelings internalise within our body and we create discomfort, discord and dis- ease.

We are not taught to question where that thought or feeling is coming from as we assume it is coming from the now, in our present reality.

We are not taught that these issues will have a root cause and that root cause is buried in to our subconscious, creating limiting beliefs, stress, illness and helping us to stay in our negative game.

The Distractions

We use distractions to help aid and take the edge off what we call life and those feelings by numbing them or hoping that with time that nagging feeling or issue will just politely go away, thus keeping the root cause buried and waiting for our next triggering moment to rear it's head.

Distractions can come in many forms from alcohol, sex, drugs, social media, shopping, Netflix, gossiping / moaning about others, booking holiday after holiday etc...

A getaway from what we are not wanting to face.

We do this in order to forget and put a metaphysical band aid over what we are running from, which are our feelings and where they have originated from.

The Turn Around

The learning in all of this is what I call The Turn Around, this is where we can all turn around our triggering moments, our illness, our story by leaning in to our negative feelings in our subconscious through a theta brainwave in order to heal on a deeper level.

Therefore moving forward in our lives and breaking through blocks and triggering moments that we once thought we couldn’t.

By focusing on who, how, what or when this event was etched in to our sub conscious and then joining the dots, we can see how that could have contributed to our presenting issue, in our now reality.

My Personal Learning

Going in to ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy I knew a lay out of the healing work that was to come, from working with this practice now for a year... but I had no idea just how transformative it would be.

The past month has given me an incredible opportunity to learn and grow in ways that I didn’t know were possible and I am so grateful to now be able to apply this in to my daily life and beyond excited to add this to my continuing work in healing by assisting others on their healing journeys.

Thank you to Mark Anthony of ThetaHealing Australia and his family for this incredible time of insight and to each and every one of my classmates for all of the healing sessions we had together.

Even when we weren't working on each other one on one, just having the energy in the room worked as a collective to receive.

Gratitude and so much Love x

Healing is a choice that you get to make and a gift that you get to keep forever.

We all have the ability to heal.

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