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  • Writer's pictureSophie Dixon


EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, commonly referred to as 'tapping'.

If you are scratching your head wondering what the hell this is, then here's a breakdown of what this quick and transformative self healing tool can do.

EFT tapping works by combining Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Therapy with acupressure in the form of fingertip tapping on the meridian points, on the upper part of the body.

Negative emotions and memories get trapped within our energetic system when we go through trauma i.e. childhood issues, bullying, divorce, death, work place discrimination, even just a casual disagreement can irritate you years after the event has taken place, resulting in stagnant energy and preventing you from moving forward with your life.

The Process:

By tapping on the meridian points and focusing on the memory we can access the feeling that has been stored, therefore exploring it further and releasing the negative emotions.

ACKNOWLEDGE / ACCEPT / LET GO to shift the story behind the event / memory and prevent it becoming our reality and therefore create a new way of perceiving it.

This way the energy blocks that are surrounding this part of your story will be recognised and the energy within you can flow easily and emotional pain and or physical discomfort can be released.

Have you heard of the fight flight freeze and Flop phrase?

When we feel stressed the Amygdala Gland in our brain triggers the FFFF fight/flight/freeze/flop mode. This gland was imperative for our survival back in the good old prehistoric day's, it was our way of preventing being eaten alive by whatever animal was roaming the land with us at that time.

The Amygdala gland sits in the mid part of our brain and is responsible for the perception of our emotions... fear, anger, sadness and controlling aggression, as well as storing memories of events so that we can recognise similar events in the future.

When we are in fight /flight /freeze /flop response i.e. stress and trauma the amygdala gland becomes active and a memory and emotion is stored for future reference so that you can recognise it, if it were to come up again.

i.e. Knowing how to respond in this situation and what kind of action you need to take to keep yourself safe.

Century's on we can still dive into this form of coping in our everyday socialising, relationships, work life, living and most importantly the view we have with ourselves.

This was all for our safety back then and still can be, but the byproduct of this is that it can also create stagnant energy in the meridian system within our bodies, so our energy doesn't flow freely.

We then get stuck in a thought pattern surrounding a certain situation, therefore creating limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour including ill health.

EFT tapping is a simple and quick way to help ease anxiety, stress, chronic fatigue, grief, boost confidence and renew a new way of thinking about yourself, a situation or memory and breathe in a new lease of life.

You will be ready to start again and it’s all at your fingertips.

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