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Women sitting on the ground smiling

"By bringing your full awareness to what is and acknowledging it, you can make a cognitive understanding and shift in your life."

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This is exactly what happened to me when I discovered the healing and transformational therapies of RTT Rapid Transformational Therapy,  EFT Tapping, Theta Healing and Reiki... they quite literally turned my life around.  

One of the many reasons I wanted to help others was because of knowing that feeling of being so stuck within myself.

Women looking at the camera and smiling; transformative; healing; content
Women walking her dog along the coastline and beach; exercise; mindfulness; peace and tranquillity

For most of my life I suffered with comparison and the feeling of not being enough.


From being told that I was too much, too sensitive or just not good enough to make that grade, I started to believe that this was true and what I just had to live with. 

Fast forward to my 30's and me loosing the most important role model in my life, my best Mother.

Nursing my Mother through Pancreatic Cancer, loosing her and then having to rebuild my life on the other side of the world away from my family found me at my rock bottom and this is where my healing and inner work began. 

Back then I had no knowledge of the power of the mind and the significant role of the subconscious mind in our lives. 

For so much of my life I struggled with co-dependency and relying on others validation or opinions of me for me to even see my worth. This led to constant anxiety and power struggles within my relationships where I would constantly sit in judgement of myself and others. 

I didn't know the power of meditation and feeling in to what aligned with me.

I relied heavily on numbing and moving on to the next thing and not allowing myself to feel. 

Finding a Healing Therapy I could actively take part in, that encouraged me to understand more of myself, my past experiences helped my own self healing. 

Through my own healing I started a whole new career as a Practitioner, Healer and Therapist and a new chapter evolved in my life.

This has empowered me to help others on their own self discovery journey.  

From Hairstylist to Holistic Healer Therapist

I worked with people for 25 years, from around the world and from all walks of life, helping them to look and feel they're best, working as a hairstylist. 

Working in the Hair industry you get to know people quickly and over time with long standing clients you get to witness their triumphs, their losses and you walk through it with them.


After observing how my clients viewed and spoke about themselves as they sat in front of the mirror, helped me see that it was most of us that had the internal dialog of

"I am not enough".


The mirror is a huge reflection and can bring to the surface the insecurities we try to hide.

When we transform the inside, we change  the way we view ourselves. 

Women in shorts taking a selfie at the mirror.
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